Our Services

Our range of services caters to every technological need your institution might have. Our technical support team offers real-time, round-the-clock support for software, hardware, and network issues. Our consulting services provide strategic advice on implementing new technologies, enhancing existing systems, and planning for the future. We also offer professional development training sessions for staff, enabling them to harness the power of technology effectively and confidently.

Security Sytem

The Tennessee Technical Support Center for Schools has a robust security system to protect sensitive data. We understand that the safety of your students and staff is paramount. Our cybersecurity measures adhere to the highest industry standards, ensuring your systems and data are always secure.


Technology is the cornerstone of modern education. It can enhance learning outcomes, streamline administrative processes, and open possibilities for teachers and students. That's why we go above and beyond to ensure that every school in Tennessee has the technical support it needs to thrive in today's digital age.


We welcome you to explore our site and find out how our team can assist you in leveraging technology to its full potential. Contact us today to learn more about our services, discuss your needs, or schedule a consultation. The Tennessee Technical Support Center for Schools is here to help you bridge the digital divide, overcome technical challenges, and foster an environment of digital literacy and innovative learning.

Join Us

Here at the Tennessee Technical Support Center for Schools, we don’t just provide technical support – we cultivate partnerships. We work closely with you to understand your unique needs and tailor our services to ensure you get the most out of your technology. Our commitment is not just to help you solve your current technical issues but also to equip you with the knowledge and tools to embrace the future of education confidently.

Join us as we pave the way towards a digitally empowered education system in Tennessee together.

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